The Role of Digital Wave in Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising proves to be successful in raising brand awareness along with driving the intent and the consideration to purchase and can be used for communicating brand positioning. It requires a data-driven, targeted, personalized and responsive approach. Many event organizers are making use of the digital screens for events to be held outside. The dramatic effect, scale, and viewability of the outdoor or out-of-home advertising help the marketers in arresting the attention of the consumers in the modern world where the other messages are struggling to get attention.

The objective of the outdoor or out-of-home advertising is to capture the attention and imagination of people for creating brand awareness and creating customer engagement. The main idea is to draw people’s attention in a busy world, making them pause and reflect.
Here are the ways how outdoor advertising is adopting the digital wave.
  • Digital Screens: In the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of The outdoor video screen and digital screens in many of the cities all over India because of the flexible government regulations and low cost for putting up of the LED screens.
  • Improved targeting of Customers: Now a huge variety of the data sources are available to the advertisers for gaining insights about the consumers. Information from the ‘web browsing’ history, ‘mobile carrier’ data and the purchase records could help the companies in targeting customers for expanding their reach.
  • Technological Advancement: Smartphones have taken centre stage in the modern world. With the technological advancement such as increased penetration of mobile, brands can more easily interact with consumers in an engaging manner. They are making use of video screens, augmented reality, geo-tagging, facial recognition etc.
  • The Rise of E-commerce: The e-commerce boost in India has played a huge role in ‘digital transformation’ in outdoor advertising. With time digital outdoor advertising is expected to improve further since the out-of-home players choose more innovative and personalized products for their brands.
In the modern world of social media, digital advertising as well as ‘high-profile’ TV slots, the out-of-home advertising provides the theatricality and scalability for driving not mere mass awareness but even the intent and the consideration for purchasing.


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